Home > List of IPA alphabets in Unicode > Difference list of Unicode vs. IPA

Difference list of Unicode vs. IPA

© 1999.5.14, 2009.5.26 TAKAHSHI Makoto

All characters of IPA Extension and Spacing Modifier Letters of Unicode is included in Charis SIL Font 4.106 of The Summer Institute of Linguistic (SIL). Here are two lists of characters that are in Combining Diacritical Marks of Unicode and did not found in the International Phonetic Association and Here is also a list of characters that are found in IPA and did not found in IPA Extension, Spacing Modifier Letters and Combining Diacritical Marks of Unicode.

IPA number of character is referred from IPA Unicode 5.1_ver 1.2_KMN.pdf of IPA Unicode Keyboards
Markus Kramer’s information about Handbook of the International Phonetic Association, Cambridge Press, 1999 is greatly appreciated.

Characters in Combining Diacritical Marks of Unicode and not in SIL font
unicode Explanation IPA Number Note
U+0321 Combining Palatalized Hook Below
U+0322 Combining Retroflex Hook Below
U+0340 Combining Grave Tonemark Use U+0300 Combining Grave Accent?
U+0341 Combining Acute Tonemark Use U+0301 Combining Acute Accent?
U+0342 Combining Greek Perispomeni
U+0343 Combining Greek Koronis
U+0344 Combining Greek Dialytika Tonos
U+0345 Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni
Characters in IPA or SIL font and not in IPA Extension, Spacing Modifier Letters and Combining Diacritical Marks of Unicode
Character IPA Number Explanation Unicode Existence in SIL font Extension of Unicode and etc.
p 101 Lowercase P U+0070 exist C0 Controls and Basic Latin
b 102 Lowercase B U+0062
t 103 Lowercase T U+0074
d 104 Lowercase D U+0064
c 107 Lowercase C U+0063
k 109 Lowercase K U+006B
q 111 Lowercase Q U+0071
m 114 Lowercase M U+006D
n 116 Lowercase N U+006E
ŋ 119 Eng U+014B Latin Extended-A
r 122 Lowercase R U+0072 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
β 127 Beta U+03B2 Greek
f 128 Lowercase F U+0066 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
v 129 Lowercase V U+0076
θ 130 Theta U+03B8 Greek
ð 131 Eth U+00F0 C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement
s 132 Lowercase S U+0073 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
z 133 Lowercase Z U+007A
ç 138 C Cedilla U+00E7 C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement
x 140 Lowercase X U+0078 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
χ 142 Chi U+03C7 Greek
ħ 144 Crossed H U+0127 Latin Extended-A
h 146 Lowercase H U+0068 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
j 153 Lowercase J U+006A
l 155 Lowercase L U+006C
ƥ 159 Hooktop P U+01A5 Latin Extended-B. Deleted from SIL IPA93.
ƭ 161 Hooktop T U+01AD
ƈ 163 Hooktop C U+0188
ƙ 165 Hooktop K U+0199
w 170 Lowercase W U+0077 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
ǀ 177 Pipe U+01C0 Latin Extended-B
ǃ 178 Exclamation Point U+01C3
ǂ 179 Double-barred Pipe U+01C2
ǁ 180 Double Pipe U+01C1
184 labiodental flap U+2C71 Latin Extended-C
ƫ 208 Left-hook T U+01AB Latin Extended-B. (withdrawn, 1989)
g 210 Looptail G U+0067 C0 Controls and Basic Latin. (equivalent to 110)
Oᶿ 217 Superscript Theta U+1DBF Phonetic Extensions Supplement
O 218 Superscript Schwa U+1D4A Phonetic Extensions
219 Hooktop right-tail D U+1D91 Phonetic Extensions Supplement
ƻ 290 Barred Two U+01BB Latin Extended-B
ƞ 293 N, Right Leg U+019E Latin Extended-B (withdrawn, 1976)
ƛ 294 Barred Lambda U+019B Latin Extended-B (Not IPA usage)
λ 295 Lambda U+03BB Greek and Coptic (Not IPA usage)
ž 296 Z Wedge U+017E Latin Extended-A (Not IPA usage)
š 297 S Wedge U+0161
ǰ 298 J Wedge U+01F0 Latin Extended-B (Not IPA usage)
č 299 C Wedge U+010D Latin Extended-A (Not IPA usage)
i 301 Lowercase I U+0069 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
e 302 Lowercase E U+0065
a 304 Lowercase A U+0061
o 307 Lowercase O U+006F
u 308 Lowercase U U+0075
y 309 Lowercase Y U+0079
ø 310 Slashed O U+00F8 C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement
œ 311 O-E Digraph U+0153 Latin Extended-A
æ 325 Ash Digraph U+00E6 C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement
ı 394 Dotless I U+0131 Latin Extended-A
425 Super Script N U+207F Superscripts and Subscripts
, 491 Comma U+002C C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Not IPA usage)
. 506 Period U+002E
| 507 Vertical Line U+007C C0 Controls and Basic Latin
508 Double Vertical Line U+2016 General Punctuation
509 Bottom Tie Bar U+203F General Punctuation
510 Upward Diagonal Arrow U+2197 Arrows
511 Downward Diagonal Arrow U+2198
O 517 Down Arrow downstep U+A71C Modifier Tone Letters
O 518 Up Arrow upstep U+A71B
O 526 Macron plus acute accent U+1DC4 Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement
O 527 Grave accent plus macron U+1DC5
O 528 Grave plus acute plus grave accent U+1DC8
˩˥ 529 Rising U+02E9 U+02E5 One IPA character is expressed by multiple unicode characters.
˥˩ 530 Falling U+02E5 U+02E9
˧˥ 531 High Rising U+02E7 U+02E5
˩˧ 532 Low Rising U+02E9 U+02E7
˨˥˨ 533 Rising-falling U+02E8 U+02E5 U+02E8
611 Balloon Unidentified segment(s) U+274D Dingbats
* 612 Asterisk U+002A C0 Controls and Basic Latin
V 621 Upper-case V U+0056
F 622 Upper-case F U+0046
W 623 Upper-case W U+0057
C 624 Upper-case C U+0043
L 625 Upper-case L U+004C
J 626 Upper-case J U+004A
Π627 Upper-case O-E ligature U+0152 Latin Extended-A
Θ 628 Upper-case Greek Theta U+0398 Greek and Coptic
(.) 631 Bracketed single period Short pause U+002E C0 Controls and Basic Latin
(..) 632 Bracketed double period Short pause U+002E U+002E
(...) 633 Bracketed triple period Short pause U+002E U+002E U+002E
𝆑 634 Forte U+1D191 not exist Musical Symbols
635 Fortissimo
𝆏 636 Piano U+1D18F Musical Symbols
637 Pianissimo
638 Allegro
639 Lento
1 640 Numeral one U+0031 exist C0 Controls and Basic Latin
2 641 Numeral two U+0032
3 642 Numeral three U+0033
o̪͆ 653 Superscript+subscript bridge U+032A U+0346 Combining Diacritical Marks
\ 659 Backslash U+005C C0 Controls and Basic Latin
661 Down full arrow U+2193 Arrows
662 Up full arrow U+2191
665 Bracketed subscript wedge not exist
666 Left-bracketed subscript wedge
667 Right-bracketed subscript wedge
668 Bracketed under-ring
669 Left-bracketed under-ring
670 Right-bracketed under-ring
ʰ 671 Left-sited superscript H U+02B0 exist Use 404
ǃǃ 672 Right-sited double exclamation point U+01C3 U+01C3 Latin Extended-B
673 Superscript cursive V U+1DB9 Phonetic Extensions Supplement
677 Superscript not exist
678 Superscript
ǃ 679 Right-sited exclamation point U+01C3 exist Latin Extended-B
o̰ 683 Right-sited subscript tilde U+0330 Combining Diacritical Marks (Use 406)
A 701 Upper-case A U+0041 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
B 702 Upper-case B U+0042
C 703 Upper-case C U+0043 C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Use 624)
D 704 Upper-case D U+0044 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
E 705 Upper-case E U+0045
F 706 Upper-case F U+0046 C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Use 622)
G 707 Upper-case G U+0047 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
H 708 Upper-case H U+0048
I 709 Upper-case I U+0049
J 710 Upper-case J U+004A C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Use 626)
K 711 Upper-case G U+004B C0 Controls and Basic Latin
L 712 Upper-case L U+004C C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Use 625)
M 713 Upper-case M U+004D C0 Controls and Basic Latin
N 714 Upper-case N U+004E
O 715 Upper-case O U+004F
P 716 Upper-case P U+0050
Q 717 Upper-case Q U+0051
R 718 Upper-case R U+0052
S 719 Upper-case S U+0053
T 720 Upper-case T U+0054
U 721 Upper-case U U+0055
V 722 Upper-case V U+0056 C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Use 621)
W 723 Upper-case W U+0057 C0 Controls and Basic Latin (Use 623)
X 724 Upper-case X U+0058 C0 Controls and Basic Latin
Y 725 Upper-case Y U+0059
Z 726 Upper-case Z U+005A
[ 901 Left Square Bracket U+005B
] 902 Right Square Bracket U+005D
/ 903 Forward Slash U+002F
( 906 Left parenthesis U+0028
) 907 Right parenthesis U+0029
(( 908 Left double parenthesis U+0028 U+0028
)) 909 Right double parenthesis U+0029 U+0029
{ 910 Left brace U+007B
} 911 Right brace U+007D
not exist These characters were in SIL93 Font but did not found in IPA.
® Undotted Barred I
ȷ Dottless J U+0237 exist
